Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) has brought succour to residents of Asaa community in Yewa North Local Government Area of Ogun State by providing them with portable water. The Executive Secretary of BCDA, Dr. George D.A. Kelly had directed and initiated the drilling of borehole with overhead tanks in this community that has suffered years of neglect.

Asaa community like most border communities in Nigeria is situated on the fringes of the country with inaccessible road, especially during raining season. It lacks basic social amenities. For years, Residents only source of water is a contaminated stream. The other alternative is to travel five (5) kilometers to neighbouring Benin Republic to fetch portable water. But due to the attendant security situation on this route and the distance, the people prefer to fetch water from ditches and streams which has affected their health situation as many suffer from waterborne diseases.

However, the story has changed since the intervention of Dr. Kelly who delegated staff of the Agency to conduct a proper NEEDS Assessment and subsequent drilling of borehole with overhead tanks in the community.

BCDA’s mandate is to provide socio-economic infrastructure in border communities of Nigeria. In the above pictures and videos, residents are seen celebrating the provision of water to their community. This is understandable as they can now access clean water and avoid the tortuous journey to their neighbouring country to fetch clean water.

For the Agency, it is a promise made and a promise kept.


The unveiling of the BCDA SERVICOM Service Charter by Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS) signals a critical advancement in enhancing service delivery and accountability within the Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA).

This significant event, took place at the Agency’s headquarters in Abuja and was chaired by Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS), the Executive Secretary of BCDA. In attendance were, Mrs. Nneka Akajemeli, the National Coordinator/CEO of SERVICOM, alongside her delegation, as well as members of BCDA Top Management and Staff.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Kelly emphasized the purpose of the event, which was to formally introduce the BCDA Service Charter. He urged the Agency’s Management and Staff to attentively absorb the insights shared by the National Coordinator/CEO of SERVICOM for improved service delivery.

During her lecture on the significance of the Servicom Charter, Mrs. Nneka Akajemeli congratulated Dr. Kelly on his well-deserved appointment as the Executive Secretary of BCDA and expressed gratitude for his unwavering support towards the Servicom Unit of the Agency. She also highlighted the positive transformations happening within BCDA under Dr. Kelly’s leadership.

Mrs. Akajemeli emphasized the Service Charter’s role as a guiding document for both the Agency and the Public, outlining standards, expectations, and procedures for services offered by BCDA within the established mandate of the Agency. She emphasized the Agency’s commitment to executing socio-economic developmental projects in border communities to ensure customer satisfaction and overall benefit to the people living in the border communities and stakeholders.

In recognition of his dedication to championing service delivery within BCDA, Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS) was honoured with the prestigious SERVICOM CHAMPION award.

The Executive Secretary Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS) Seeks Collaboration with The Nigeria Immigration Service for The Benefit of Border Communities in Nigeria. 08/05/2024.

The meeting between Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS) the Executive Secretary of the Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA), and Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) Kemi Nanna Nandap (PCC, MMIS, FSM) which took place at the Nigeria Immigration Technology Building Headquarters in Abuja was highly productive. They discussed enhancing collaboration to improve living standards and security in the border communities in Nigeria.

Dr. Kelly emphasized the importance of working together with the Nigeria Immigration Service. He recognized them as a crucial partner in BCDA’s mission to provide socio-economic welfare and infrastructure to border communities. Dr. Kelly also highlighted the need to address security challenges, such as criminal activities in ungoverned spaces, through joint efforts.

He outlined BCDA’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), showing a commitment to laying a solid foundation for the Agency’s operations and revisiting relevant legislation. Dr. Kelly shared examples of ongoing projects, like the borehole initiative in the Asaa Border Communities of Ogun state, to demonstrate BCDA’s proactive approach to addressing community needs.

In response, Comptroller General Nandap expressed appreciation for the briefing. She acknowledged the importance of engaging border communities for effective border governance. Nandap pledged support for BCDA’s initiatives and emphasized the need for continued collaboration to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize impact.

Overall, the meeting showed both organizations’ commitment to working together towards the common goal of improving the welfare and security of Nigeria’s border communities.


The Executive Secretary of Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA), Dr. George D. A. Kelly, FNIQS has pledged to accelerate developmental projects in border communities in Nigeria to avoid their reliance on neighbouring countries for basic amenities that should be provided by the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This he stated, when he paid a courtesy visit to the Honourable Minister of Interior,  Hon (Dr.) Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo on Tuesday, 7th May, 2024.

Dr. Kelly maintained that government presence has to be felt in the border communities, as substantial number of them fall under ungoverned spaces, and this, he believes, would tackle insurgency, banditry, and kidnapping. The Executive Secretary said, though the country have border control posts, we must also acknowledge that there are a lot of ungoverned spaces that are inlets for banditry and insurgency. He added that the presence of government must not only be felt at the border communities alone, but also at the ungoverned spaces.

He stated that our core mandate is to provide basic amenities, security, and social-economic welfare for the border community dwellers, but most of these communities do not have  the needed basic amenities such as health centres, schools, and good drinking water due to neglect in the past. These have led them to depend on communities in neighbouring countries for same amenities that ought to have been provided by Nigeria.

The Executive Secretary further stated that he does not see himself as a Nigerian of Rivers State extraction, but an ambassador of border communities in the country. He promised that the Agency will do its best to give the needed succour to alleviate the plight of the border communities.

In his response, the Honourable Minister of Interior, Hon (Dr.)  Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, asserted that he believes in the capabilities of Dr. Kelly, as evident in the right steps he has taken in a short timeframe of being at the helm of affairs in BCDA.

Dr. Tunji-Ojo pledged the support of the Federal Ministry of Interior towards achieving the vision and mandate of Border Communities Development Agency under the leadership of Dr. Kelly.

The Minister said, he has seen somebody who understands the mandate of the Agency. He also stated that, because of his passion for the Agency, he had added his voice to the development of the border communities in different fora.

Finally, the Minister emphasized that BCDA is one of the most important Agencies  because of the role it plays in the country, and that the mandate of BCDA cannot be politized as doing so will put millions of Nigerians at risk.


In a concerted effort to fortify relationships with vital stakeholders, Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS), Executive Secretary of the Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA), conducted a courtesy visit to the Honourable Minister of Defence, His Excellency Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (CON), mni. 

During this visit, Dr. Kelly underscored the pivotal role of the Ministry of Defence as a critical member of BCDA’s Governing Board, emphasizing their indispensable partnership in advancing BCDA’s developmental endeavours for the inhabitants of Nigeria’s border communities.

Dr. Kelly told H.E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (CON), mni of the proactive measures taken upon his appointment by Mr. President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR, to revitalize BCDA. Notably, strategic initiatives such as the formulation of a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and Medium-Term Expenditure Framework for 2024-2027 have been instrumental in charting the course for immediate, short-term, and long-term benefits, aligning with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

Highlighting the significance of border communities as Nigeria’s gateway to the international sphere, Dr. Kelly stressed the imperative of prioritizing their welfare, security, and socioeconomic upliftment to foster allegiance to Nigeria. He assured collaborative efforts with the Ministry of Defence and other stakeholders to comprehensively address the needs of these communities.

An illustrative example of BCDA’s swift intervention was shared, citing the ongoing borehole project in the Asaa border community of Ogun State. This initiative aims to mitigate waterborne diseases and enhance healthcare accessibility, addressing a critical need for the community.

Furthermore, Dr. Kelly disclosed BCDA’s intention to secure funding from the Federal Government’s Service Wide Vote (SWV) and explore partnerships with international donor organizations to execute developmental projects. These initiatives aim to ameliorate living conditions and facilitate the resettlement of border communities displaced by the 2002 International Court Judgment (ICJ).

In response, H.E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (CON), mni commended Dr. Kelly and BCDA’s proactive approach in tackling the multifaceted challenges faced by border communities. Drawing from his personal experience hailing from a border town, the Minister empathized with the plight of these communities and pledged his unwavering support for BCDA’s strategic endeavours.

Moreover, H.E. underscored the importance of fostering robust collaboration with state Governors, National Assembly members, local government authorities, community leaders, prominent businessmen, and civil society organizations. Their collective input and engagement, he emphasized, are vital for the successful execution of BCDA’s Strategic Action Plan, ensuring tangible socio-economic impact for border residents.

In conclusion, H.E. Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (CON), mni lauded Dr. Kelly’s passion and expressed confidence in BCDA’s ability to excel under his leadership, reaffirming the agency’s commitment to serving the needs of Nigeria’s border communities.


The Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) underscores its commitment to collaborate with the Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation and other critical stakeholders to enhance the living standards of people living in Nigeria’s border communities.

During a courtesy visit to the Surveyor General of the Federation, Surv. Abuduganiyu A. Adebomehin, Dr. George D.A. Kelly (FNIQS), the Executive Secretary of BCDA, thanked the Surveyor General of the Federation for the warm reception accorded to him and his entourage and went further to articulate the purpose of his visit. He emphasized the necessity to engage and synergize with the Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation as a pivotal stakeholder and member of BCDA’s Governing Board. The focus is for a robust and unparalleled collaboration between the two organizations on identifying areas of mutual interest to improve the socio-economic conditions of the people living in the border communities.

Dr. Kelly elaborated that on his assumption of office, he quickly hit the ground running to establish the immediate status of the agency, identify the gaps therein with a vision to repositioning the Agency to fulfil its mandate which is the provision of infrastructural, socio-economic and security needs of the people living in the border communities. He said the Agency has within three weeks under his leadership, developed an accelerated Strategic Action Plan (SAP) and a Medium-Term Expenditure Frame Work (MTEF) for the short-term, medium-term and long term with a view to addressing the developmental needs of the border communities in Nigeria.

The Executive Secretary said the efficient and effective collaboration between the Office of the Surveyor General of the Federation will be very beneficial to BCDA. The enormous field data, technology and expertise at their disposal will assist the Agency in locating and identifying Border Communities within the 5 geo-political zones (North-East, North West, North Central, South West and South South) that are in need of basic social and infrastructural amenities like health care, water, schools etc to benefit from the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR led Federal Government of Nigeria.

The meeting made an instant progress as the Executive Secretary’s request for assistance in setting up a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Unit in BCDA was expressly granted by the Surveyor General Surv. Abuduganiyu A. Adebomehin and he offered training opportunities in mapping technologies to enhance BCDA’s operational capabilities.

In response, the Surveyor General of the Federation Surv. Abuduganiyu A. Adebomehin, thanked President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR for appointing Dr. George D.A. Kelly FNIQS as the Execuitve Secretary of BCDA. He said Dr. Kelly’s appointment has birthed a new beginning and opportunity to the strategic partnership that is meant to exist among the two agencies.

The Surveyor General went further to say that his office is willing to offer BCDA staff basic training in AxisGIS and other technological advances in mapping as this will benefit the Agency and the field staff in the course of executing their numerous field work seamlessly. He also enjoined the members of the Executive Secretary’s delegation to give him the required support to succeed in the discharge of his duties.

During the interactive session, Surv. Abuduganiyu A. Adebomehin also warned that working at the borders had its security challenges and communities that have not had government presence could be a bit hostile or non-receptive.  He emphasised the importance of collaboration between BCDA and the Surveyor General’s office in navigating these challenges and ensuring successful project execution.

Concluding, the Surveyor General of the Federation in his commitment to the renewed partnership between the organizations promised to provide BCDA with detailed maps showing border communities and landmarks that will facilitate BCDA’s targeted development efforts in the border communities in Nigeria.


Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) seeks to collaborate with the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other critical stakeholders to reposition the Agency and also to raise the living standard of people living along border communities in Nigeria.
The Executive Secretary BCDA Dr. George-Kelly D. Alabo (FNIQS) in his address during the courtesy visit to the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Ambassador Yusuf Maitama Tuggar (OON), said the purpose of his visit is to engage and synergize with the Ministry as a critical stakeholder and member of the Governing Board of the BCDA on areas that will help to improve the living conditions and socio-economic wellbeing of the people in the border communities.
Dr. George-Kelly D. Alabo FNIQS went further to inform the Honourable Minister that BCDA has a Medium-Term Expenditure Framework from 2024-2027 and there’s the need to think outside the box to access funding both internally and externally to execute developmental projects to bridge the Agency’s poor funding and sole reliance on federal government to meet up the various sectoral needs of the border communities ranging from; Healthcare, Education, Security Agriculture, Empowerment etc. for over 3000 communities in 105 local governments in 21 states of the Federation.
He also said the Agency is faced with an enormous task to impact on the various border communities across the country and this will be achieved and addressed in phases from one geo-political zone to the other. Dr. Alabo and Ambassador Tuggar agreed for the formation of Tink-tank from both organizations to get great value from the expected collaborations.
The Executive Secretary BCDA also stated that the border communities are the gateway and the first line of interface with other countries as they reflect the image of Federal Republic of Nigeria and it is necessary that basic amenities should be provided for the people living in these communities in order to get their loyalty and allegiance. And inline with the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR), BCDA is ready to collaborate with the Ministry to ameliorate the people living in the border communities.
In his response, the Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Yusuf Maitama Tuggar (OON) while welcoming the Executive Secretary and his Team at the Tafawa Balewa House said Border Communities Development Agency is an integral part of the Ministry’s programme and the Federal Government’s. The Honourable Minister said the ‘4D Policy’ of the Federal Government (Democracy, Development, Demography and Diaspora) will be compatible with BCDA’s Medium Term Expenditure Framework Plan. He went further to say the border areas have weaker presence of government and hence the persistent crime rate and the Executive Secretary’s plan to reposition the Agency should be more of a long-term effective plan that will benefit and impact on the people living in the border communities. His Excellency, Ambassador Yusuf Tuggar (OON) also stated that BCDA partnering with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stands to benefit from external funding for the execution of its numerous developmental projects across the border communities in Nigeria as the ministry interfaces with a lot of foreign donors like the European Union and other foreign countries.
In conclusion, the Honorable Minister said BCDA should be playing a micro diplomacy role along the border communities.

Courtesy Visit by The Executive Secretary Captain Junaid Abdullahi to HIS Excellency The Vice President, Sen. Kashim Shettima CFR.

Courtesy Visit by The Executive Secretary Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA), Captain Junaid Abdullahi To His Excellency, The Vice President of The Federal Republic of Nigeria, Sen. Kashim Shettima CFR and Chairman Governing Board of BCDA at The State House, Abuja. 22/02/24. For more on this, click the link. https://x.com/stanleynkwocha_/status/1760978459818365339?s=20


The Katsina State Government and Border Communities Development Agency (BCDA) are collaborating to raise the living standard of people living along border communities in Katsina state.

The Executive secretary BCDA Captain Junaid Abdullahi stated this when he received the Katsina state Governor, His Excellency Mallam Dikko Umaru Radda PhD on 13th February, 2024 at the Agency’s head office in Abuja.

Welcoming the delegation, the Executive Secretary (BCDA) Captain Junaid Abdullahi congratulated the Governor on his election noting that Katsina State is one of the principal stakeholders of Border Communities Development Agency, as it is a border state with about 3 to 4 international border post. The Executive Secretary stated that BCDA has executed and completed quite a number of projects in the border communities of Katsina state.

The Executive Secretary noted that the good working relationship that exists between the state and the Agency will enhance a more robust collaboration and facilitate addressing issues of insecurity within the region.

Speaking further, Captain Junaid Abdullahi said, raising the standard of living would help address the issues of poverty in those communities and also reduce the prevailing issue of insecurity which is also as a result of poverty challenges experienced in border communities.

Responding, The Executive Governor of Katsina State expressed his gratitude to the Executive Secretary BCDA and his management team for executing over 50 projects ranging from School blocks of Classrooms, Boreholes, Solar Street lights, Health facilities among others from 2015 to 2023 in Katsina state, while also pledging his constant support to the developmental activities of BCDA in Katsina State.

The Governor also assured that the government of Katsina State is willing to collaborate more with the Agency in delivering developmental projects that will boost the economy of the border communities and by extension raise the standard of living of the people living in those border communities as this would seriously reduce the challenges of banditry and insecurity in the state.

BCDA will be handing over 4 newly completed developmental projects in some border communities in Katsina state to the state government. In the Agency’s 2024 budget, a total number of 10 projects will be executed in Katsina state.


Bala Ugah

Head, Public Affairs & Protocol Unit.